Thursday, March 25, 2010

You Are the Best Thing by Ray Lamontagne

Yeahhh I changed my mind. I can't help it.

I honestly don't know how to write a blog about this song. All I know is... it just makes me feel so good. Seriously, when I hear it, I'm automatically happier. Not many things work that well for me. So when I find something that does, (and this song certainly does) I just gotta tell someone. So here it is.

I've decided that being happy should be a bigger priority in my life. I honestly believe that God didn't make me to just be a miserable, sickly girl who hardly found joy in life. I should surround myself with things that make me happy. Now, chemistry is NEVER going to make me happy. (Although I did get an 85 on a quiz today, thank you very much!) That doesnt mean I drop chemistry. I get through it with a better attitude. I listen to happy music while I toil through my homework. I motivate myself with good things, and in the end I'm happy with what I've done.

Music makes me so happy. I can't even tell you how happy it makes me, especially when I'm performing something beautiful and I can feel it moving around me and through me. (I sing.) Try... A Boy and A Girl by Eric Whitacre. Its breathtakingly beautiful. (Youtube it.) When I sing that... it makes me feel breathtakingly beautiful. And those are rare moments.
A bunch of people in my choir at school are quitting this year. Its the Varsity Ensemble, so I guess they didn't realize that making it into the higher elite choir meant actually working even more than the others. (Or maybe I'm just crazy.) But I couldn't even consider the idea of quitting. I NEED IT. I need that release. If I didn't have it, I'd start randomly singing in classes (even more than I already do) and probably get kicked out of school. I would be known as the annoying girl who wouldn't stop singing and everyone would loathe me. (It could happen to me, you know it could.)

I've listened to the title song about four times now. My lord, it's so wonderful.

Find something that makes you happy. Basketball, algebra, music, etc. Fight for it. And don't let anyone tell you its any less than what else is out there or that their 'thing' is more important or that you're just not good at your 'thing'. Do what you love.

God gives you talent and makes you the perfect way you're supposed to be. I was made to love music. My brother was made to love baseball. My sister was made to love her boyfriend... Haha, sorry I couldn't help myself. Love you, SarahLaine.

You are the best thing,
You are the best thing,
You are the best thing that ever happened to me.

Listen to it. I guarantee you'll smile. (:

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